Just like Looney Tunes and Disney characters, the jumping spider Platycryptus undatus knows that the difference between androgyny and femininity is long, pretty eyelashes. |
BugsIRL is not on hiatus and has not been abandoned. I want to reassure everyone that, although it's been a couple of weeks, I have written a truly marvelous post, which the margin is too narrow to contain...
Seriously, Brian? Your best excuse is a math joke? Lame.
Well, if Fermat and his last theorem (which few mathematicians believe he actually had a satisfactory proof of) aren't your cup of grande, iced, skinny cinnamon-dolce latte, then maybe you'll prefer next week's post (was supposed to be last week's post) about a moth who needs to freaking grow up already, and my own experiences in the bug health-care system. Until then, please enjoy past posts and my gallery of lovely pictures.
an + bn = cn, n>2?
- math
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